Eight Local Environmental Charities to be Highlighted at Bermuda Climate Summit
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Hamilton, Bermuda, June 22, 2023 — Eight local environmental charities will participate in important climate risk solution conversations at the second annual Bermuda Climate Summit, presented by the Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA), in partnership with KBRA.
Bermuda Aquarium Museum and Zoo (BAMZ), Bermuda Audubon Society, Bermuda Institute for Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Bermuda National Trust (BNT), Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme (BOPP), Beyond Plastic, Keep Bermuda Beautiful (KBB) and Living Reefs Foundation, will all provide delegates with information about their stewardship of Bermuda’s environment and natural resources. Five eco-excursions, including tree-planting and environmental clean-ups, have also been organised.
Dr. Ian Walker, Principal Curator, Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo (BAMZ) said, “The Bermuda Zoological Society (BZS) has been teaching about Bermuda’s environment for over four decades. We believe it is essential for each generation to understand the importance of our island environment home and how uniquely fragile it is. Climate change is a massive threat to all of us, especially those living on islands, and it is essential that we and the rest of the world gain a better understanding of the challenges and how we can combat them. The Bermuda Climate Summit involves global businesses that are uniquely positioned to help ‘move the needle’ in that regard and the BZS is pleased to help spread that message and what we are doing to make a difference.”
Slav Gatchev, Managing Director for Sustainable Debt at the Nature Conservancy will moderate a ‘Biodiversity: Our Strongest Natural Defence Against Climate Change’ panel featuring: Osho Jha, Co-Founder and CEO, dClimate and Co-Founder, Arbol, James Kench, Head of Insurance, KITA, Natalia Moudrak, Climate Resiliency Leader, AON, and Dr. Robbie Smith, Curator of Natural History Museum, Bermuda Aquarium Museum and Zoo (BAMZ).
Cheryl Ann Mapp, Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme (BOPP) Blue Economy Specialist said, “BOPP is honoured to be invited again to participate in the second annual Bermuda Climate Summit. The Bermuda Climate Summit is an opportunity to hear from global leaders in their fields, and this year’s agenda touches on many aspects of what the Blue Prosperity Plan is working to achieve, including managing Bermuda’s marine environment to improve its resilience to climate change and exploring investment opportunities in sustainability initiatives and the blue economy.”
Ms. Mapp will speak on a ‘Closing the Skills Gap – Green and Blue Jobs of the Future’ panel moderated by Zayne Sinclair, OW2 Youth Ambassador, and featuring Rob Du Boff, Senior ESG Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence, Kaitlin Noyes, Director of Education and Community Engagement, BIOS and Jeffrey Steynor, Principal Engineer, Liberty (Bermuda).
Bermuda’s Deputy Premier, The Hon. Walter Roban, JP, MP, will kick off the proceedings at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club on June 26, with a conversation with Jim Nadler, President & CEO, KBRA, followed by a keynote luncheon with Suzanne Johnson, Senior Advisor, United Nations (UN) Global Compact Ocean Stewardship Coalition. Joshua Rosenberg, Chief Risk Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, will bring the event to a close on June 27, alongside Stephen Weinstein, BIOS Chair and past BDA-Chair.
Mr. Weinstein said, “Bermuda’s future as a global capital for climate finance is built on a foundation of blue chip, globally renowned regulatory excellence, business leadership in reinsurance and insurance, and the human capital that has built up on the Island over the decades. The solutions we need to adapt to climate change and foster transition require business, public policy, and applied science innovation and collaboration across those domains. The century long legacy of the BIOS; Bermuda’s deep infrastructure of business, research and regulatory expertise and talent; and culture of daring but disciplined innovation all contributes to Bermuda’s ideal positioning for climate leadership.”
David Hart, BDA CEO said, “Climate risk is global, but it is important to remember that this work starts at a local level. Bermuda is the perfect place to develop climate risk solutions, attract and deploy capital investments and create blue and green jobs of the future. We encourage the public not to miss this opportunity to meet these global climate leaders and engage in this important dialogue.”
Click here to register. The full agenda can be viewed on the BDA website.
The BDA is grateful for the continued support of our headline sponsor KBRA, as well as: diamond sponsor Conduit Re; platinum sponsor Aon; gold sponsors Deloitte, Fidelis, and Hub Culture; and silver sponsors Aeolus, Aspen, AXA XL, Belco, Convex, and KPMG. Our supporting sponsors are Butterfield, HSBC and Ocean-Based Climate Solutions, Inc. Our media partners are Bermuda:Re+ILS, Climate and Capital Media, Insurance Insider, and The Insurer. Our spirits partner is Gosling’s.