RIMS/BDA Webinar #3 Bermuda Captives – Turning Ideas into Reality
Nov 18, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Register Now1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
18 November 2021
Overview: In this market of continuously hardening rates, combined with a global pandemic that continues to disrupt economic conditions and create emerging risks, companies are finding new and innovative uses for their captives.
Join Bermuda captive insurance experts as they discuss the Island’s proven track-record in meeting complex risk needs, and how the jurisdiction’s drive to innovate is pivotal to its sustained competitive advantage. Attend this webinar to learn about how both new entrants to Bermuda’s captive market and existing Bermuda captives are writing lines of coverage such as: cryptocurrency, cannabis and climate related risks. This spirit of innovation was also key to Bermuda recently being awarded an Asia and Pacific Captive Award.
No matter what sort of risks your organisation is facing today, captives remain a critical tool in any risk manager’s tool kit, providing entities with the ability to assuage corporate risk appetites in order to turn ideas into reality.
Learning objectives:
- Learn how captives can be a vital component of any organisation’s enterprise risk management tool kit
- Learn how stand-alone captives, segregated accounts companies and incorporated segregated accounts companies can be used to write these complex, emerging risks
- Learn about the economic benefits of captives in a continuously hardening market
For complimentary registration please use RIMSBDA1850 at check out.
RIMS and the Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA) have partnered to host three webinars. To review the two previous webinars, “Bermuda and the Changing Landscape of Climate Risk” and “Alternative Risk Transfer”, please visit the BDA YouTube channel.
Free for RIMS members/ $50 for non-members
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm